From integrable structures to topological strings and back

SISSA, Trieste, September 8-12 2008

Scientific board: L. Bonora, S. Cecotti, B. Dubrovin, B. Fantechi, E. Gava, G. Thompson.
Organizing committee: G. Bonelli, A. Tanzini.

The aim of this school/workshop is to bring together mathematicians and physicists interested and active on various aspects of integrable systems and their applications to topological gauge/string theories and viceversa, in order to stimulate knowledge exchange and new collaborations on specific subjects where mathematics and physics research are close by and to offer young researchers and PhD students an introductory perspective on such topics. To this end we propose, on one hand, a series of basic lectures intended to introduce the relevant topics both for math and phys audiences; on the other, a limited amount of blackboard talks on frontier topics will be scheduled.

The main focus will be on the following

Speakers Participants Registration How to reach us Accommodation Schedule


R. Cavalieri, B. Eynard, A. Losev, A. Marshakov.


M. Alim, H.W. Braden, S. Cherkis, E. Gasparim, L. Katzarkov, M. Kreuzer, G. Mondello, V. Roubtsov, E. Scheidegger, B. Szendroi.


M. Alim (University of Munich), Y. Barmaz (Université de Genève), G. Bonelli (SISSA), L. Bonora (SISSA), H.W. Braden, (University of Edinburgh), A. Brini (SISSA), U. Bruzzo (SISSA), G. Carlet (SISSA) , R. Cavalieri (Colorado State University), S. Cecotti (SISSA), S. Cherkis (Trinity College Dublin), A. D'Avanzo (University of Edinburgh), B. Dubrovin, (SISSA), J. Evslin (SISSA), B. Eynard, (CEA, Saclay, Paris), B. Fantechi (SISSA), F. Ferrari Ruffino (SISSA), H. Fuji (University of Kyoto), E. Gava (SISSA), L. Gottsche (ICTP), A. A. Henni (SISSA), L. Katzarkov (University of Miami), M. Kreuzer (University of Vienna), G. Landi (Università di Trieste), H. Liu (University of New Brunswick), A. Losev (ITEP, Moscow), C. Manolache (SISSA), A. Marshakov (Lebedev Institute and Moscow, ITEP), V. Mikhaylov (Moscow, ITEP), G. Mondello (Imperial College), S. Pasquetti (Universite de Neuchatel), P. Plansangkate (Cambridge University), R. Poghossyan (Yerevan Institute), A. Prudenziati (SISSA), V. Roubtsov (University of Angers), I. Ryb (SUNY, Stony Brook), H. Safaai, (SISSA), R. Savelli (SISSA), E. Scheidegger (University of Augsburg), K.M. Shokri (Max Planck Institute, Bonn), B. Szendroi (Oxford University), A. Tanzini (SISSA), G. Thompson (ICTP), K. Wendland (University of Augsburg), J.B. Wu (SISSA).


Registration is now open, please send an email to to register. The deadline for registration is July 31. Anybody interested in giving a talk can write an e-mail to the same address.