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    MISGAM: Methods of Integrable Systems, Geometry, Applied Mathematics    

MISGAM is an European Science Foundation (ESF) Scientific Programme aiming to establish and explore the bridge between geometry and applications of integrable systems to physics, applied mathematics and statistics.

To this end, we plan to investigate the relationships, discovered recently by mathematicians and physicists, between integrable differential equations, discrete and continuous differential geometry, the topology of moduli spaces, singularity theory and random matrices.

European researchers are actively involved in the study of these problems. The main scope of the Programme is to unify the European efforts on this exciting interdisciplinary project and to create a fruitful training ground for young researchers.

A coherent activity and a coordination of the European mathematicians working within the proposed subject will definitely have a strong positive impact on:

  • Classical, quantum integrable systems and their discrete analogues
  • Random matrices
  • Weakly dispersive waves
  • Gromov-Witten invariants
  • Singularity theory

Program Proponents

Boris Dubrovin
International School for Advanced Studies - SISSA

Pierre Van Moerbeke
D?artement de Math?atique, Universit?de Louvain

Project Coordinator

Tamara Grava

International School for Advanced Studies - SISSA

Planned Activities

The programme includes the following planned activities:

  • Short term individual visits by the programme participants and extended visits by students or young researchers
  • Small meetings of the programme participants
  • Organization of a larger conference in the third year of the Programme


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